Principles of Website Design
Web Design

Principles of Website Design

Principles of Website Design

Website design is an important process that helps to create top-class websites. Designing a website is not rocket science. With many user-friendly tools available, you can do it yourself. If you are planning to design a website, then you need to be aware of the principles of website design.

These are not theoretical principles but are practical guidelines. You can follow these principles while designing a website and create a great website.

Best Principles of Website Design

1) Focus on easy navigation

Many studies have shown that the key feature visitors look for in a website is easy navigation. Visitors want a website that is simple and easy to use. Navigation includes the menu and being able to seamlessly move from one page of the website to another. The website needs to be designed such that too many clicks are not needed to navigate it.

The menu or navigation bar should be simple and not have too many options. The navigation must be intuitive, so visitors have an easy time using it. The most important requirement is consistency. The same navigation must be found on every page without exception.

2) Keep in mind F-shaped reading

When visitors see a webpage, they see it in an F-pattern. They start first with the top of the screen and the left and then they move down. This has been confirmed through eye-tracking studies. The most important elements of the page must be present in the top left part of the website since that is what users see first.

3) Ensure the design is responsive

A responsive design is one that responds to the device used. A website should look the same on laptops, mobiles, tablets, and any other devices. While designing the website, the designer must ensure the design looks uniform across devices. Since the majority of people use mobile phones for browsing, it is mandatory that websites be mobile-friendly.

When the screen size is small as in a mobile, the button should not be too small. That would make it difficult to select. The text size must be appropriate and images should be reviewed so they appear neither too small nor large.

4) Keep it Simple

Simplicity is the key to successful design. Many people make the mistake of believing that they need to have many elements if the website should look good. A simple and minimalist website is more likely to attract visitors. Here are some points to consider about simplicity in design:

  • The color scheme must be pleasing. Avoid too many colors. Not more than 4-5 colors should be used.
  • Ensure the color matches the brand colors.
  • The font used need not be fancy. Such a font can be used for the headline. The main text must be in a legible and common font.
  • No more than 3 fonts should be used throughout the website. Consistency is needed in the use of fonts.
  • Stock photographs and images help to make a webpage look visually appealing. The key here is not to select a photo because it looks good, but to select one that is relevant. The photo used must convey meaningful information.
  • High-quality images are required, but care should be taken to prevent image size from slowing down page loading.

5) Don’t ignore the content

In the quest to create an attractive design, people forget the content. Remember the core principle of website design – people come to a website not to see images but to look for something of value. That is found in the content. Ensure you offer engaging content that is unique and adds value to readers.

You need to be consistent in providing useful content. It is important to add content regularly, so visitors visit your site repeatedly. Ensure the content is proof checked for mistakes. Let the language be simple and avoid jargon. Keep your target audience in mind while creating content.

6) Use a grid layout

A grid layout uses a structure with rows and columns. This ensures images, text, tables, etc. are neatly aligned. It makes the page look aesthetically pleasing. The grid layout also helps you keep the website organized.

7) Don’t forget performance

Performance refers to key criteria like time taken to load the page, time for the title to appear, requests per second, bounce rate, etc. These metrics would decide if a user stays on your page or leaves it. These technical considerations must be kept in mind during design. Your website needs to perform well, or else you may find it difficult to retain visitors.

These tips will help you create an engaging website design and have people coming back for more.